Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More Notes From Sea Level by Jon Bowermaster

He may have left the Antarctic for another season, but that hasn't stopped Jon Bowermaster from continuing to reflect on his recent visit there. Jon continues to post daily updates tho is Notes from the Sea Level blog, that include amazing photos and great insights into the health of our oceans, the Antarctic, and many other places he visits on his journeys.

A few days back Jon wrote some "random notes" on the Antarctic with some updates on a number of incidences that have gone down on the Ice since he left, including the crash landing of a small supply plane and the South Pole Quest Team reaching the Pole in record time. He also note that birds are at threat to planes the world over, including on Antarctica.

On a more somber note, yesterday's dispatch takes a look at the amazing amount of trash that washes up on the shores of Barren Island, part of the Falklands. Prevailing ocean currents drag all the junk there, presumably from boats, as Jon notes that Argentina is hundreds of miles away. After departing Barren, the team is off to Carcass Island, also part of the Falklands, which is home to just a couple of families, but does have a bed & breakfast in case you're looking for someplace to get away for the weekend.

Finally, today's post, just in time for the inauguration of a new President, comes from the aptly named New Island, where Jon encounters plenty of penguins. The island is soon to be made into one large nature reserve, and it is considered the most remote, but still inhabited, island in the Falklands. The team spent their last day of the expedition there before heading back to Argentina, and then on to home.

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