Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rob Gauntlett's Last Interview on Adventure Edge Radio

The Sierra Blogging Post has a link to the latest Adventure Edge Radio podcast, which is a regular feature at their site. The most recent edition is an interview with Rob Gauntlett and James Hooper, recent recipients of the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year award, and you can hear the audio file by clicking here.

As most of you already know, Rob passed away over the weekend in a tragic climbing accident near Chamonix, France at the age of 21. He was the youngest Brit to climb Mt. Everest, and he wont the NG award, along with Hooper, for their amazing journey from the North to the South Pole by dog sled, bike, and ship.

The interview was conducted a month back and Rob and James discuss how they became friends, how they were bitten by the adventure bug, and their experiences on their big adventure, along with the impact it had on their lives. Overall, a good interview, it's just sad hearing Rob's voice and thinking about all the great things he had ahead of him.

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