Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Outdoorzy Gearzy Award Results

Way back in November I mentioned that was conducting their first annual Gearzy Awards, after the outdoor social networking site put up an online poll giving us all the opportunity to weigh in with our thoughts on the best gear companies around in a variety of categories. A few days back, the results, and winners, were announced.

You can check out all the winners by clicking here, and see who the Outdoorzy Community picked as the best gear manufacturers in such categories as tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, and much more. They've also announced there overall winner for Gear Maker of the Year, with that honor going to Patagonia.

Hmm... looking at the list, I have to say that my choices don't match up very well with the rest of the community. Sure, I aligned with them well on a few things, like the best shoes coming from Merrell, and I can understand Patagonia taking home the big prize. But I was pretty far off on plenty of others. Not sure what that says about my gear tastes, but I was a bit surprised by some of the companies that won. Don't get me wrong, the all make (mostly) good gear, I was just a little surprised at some of the choices.

Congrats to the winners! Keep up the great work on the great gear!

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