Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Rest of Everest Episode 96: The Road (At Least Currently) Less Traveled

I can't tell you how happy I am to have my regular Wednesday routine back. Not only has Lost returned to ABC, but I'm once again getting regular episodes of The Rest of Everest, my favorite video podcast. This week's episode continues following the Annapurna IV expedition that saw climbers Ben Clark, Josh Butson, and Tim Clarke set off to climb and ski a remote peak in Nepal.

Ben and Josh both join Rest of Everest creator Jon Miller once again this week, as they continue their trek to the mountain. That trek follows the Annapurna Circuit, widely considered to be one of the greatest treks in the world. The recent addition of a road to the area has changed that, and at the time of the filming of this video, the inhabitants were still preparing for those changes. While discussing the road with the locals, we get a glimpse of exactly how it's going to change things for the area, and not necessarily in a positive way.

As this episode progresses, the scene shifts to the road being built in a very slow, fashion, without the use of modern tools and technology. It's fascinating to watch the work being done, while some of the most stunning scenery in the world can be seen in the background, including thick jungles, incredible water falls, and of course, mountain peaks.

Part of the adventure on these big climbs is the trek to the mountain itself, and the approach to Annapurna IV continues this week and next. Enjoy the scenery along the trek and a glimpse into a new region of Nepal that we haven't seen on the show before.

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