Friday, January 16, 2009

Announcing Project: Chocolate Sherpa

Belgian Adventurer Louis-Philippe Loncke, who last year trekked the length of the Simpson Desert in Australia, has announced his next adventure, that will see him delivering more than a hundred pounds of chocolate to Everest Base Camp this spring.

The expedition is dubbed "Project: Chocolate Sherpa" and the plan is to get underway sometime in April, with Louis-Philippe heading to Nepal, where he'll set out from Lukla in the Khumbu Valley to trek up to base camp at 5350 meters (17,552 feet) to conduct the "highest chocolate tasting in the world". Who better to deliver chocolate to BC than a Belgian!?!

While Louis-Philippe is having a bit of fun with his latest adventure, it is for a serious cause. He hopes to raise funds for the Nepal Orthopaedic Hospital, which was originally founded more than 10 years ago by Dr. Anil Shrestha. The goal is to create a mobile hospital that will allow doctors to go out into remote areas of Nepal and treat people who wouldn't normally have the opportunity to have access to their services. Through Project: Chocolate Sherpa, Louis-Philippe is hoping to assist in reaching that goal.

The project is still in the early planning stages, but is moving forward to get underway around April 10th. Louis-Philippe is looking for anyone who may be in Nepal at the time and might be interested in helping out. Carrying 100 pounds of chocolate to base camp will take a bit of an effort. He's also looking for sponsors who might be willing to assist in his endeavor. If interested, you can contact him at:

This sounds like it's for a good cause and should make a lot of climbers, guides, Sherpas, and other people very happy in base camp this spring. Belgian chocolate delivered directly to them. Good luck Louis-Philipe!

Update: I've made a few changes to this post to include the web address to the Chocolate Sherpa blog and a better e-mail address to contact Louis-Phillippe as well. He also wanted to pass along that the plan is to distribute 100kg (220 pounds) of chocolate at Everest Base Camp, but that they will actually distributing more along the route with the goal of delivering over 400 pounds of chocolate in total! That's a lot of chocolate! :)

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