Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Gear From Winter OR

The Outdoor Retailer Winter Market has come and gone, but the gear reports continue, with some exceptional stuff coming our way over the next few months.

Popular Mechanics has listed their 7 Best Outdoor Gear Picks for 2009 with some great stuff shown off at OR. Some of the things making their list include the new Ardica Jacket from Mountain Hardwear that has gotten a lot of buzz thanks to the fact that it comes equipped with a battery pack that not only heats the jacket, but also recharges your electronic gear. A new minimalist camp stove from Snow Peak.

The Outside Blog has more picks from the Gear Junkie as his "best of show". Things that caught his eye include a new Expedition watch from Timex that includes the usual altimeter, barometer, and so on. The new Koven Plus jacket from Cloudveil also gets high marks.

The folks over at continue to update their Outdoor Retailer blog, and today they have a nice look at some of the new electronic gadgets that we unveiled in Salt Lake City. They take a peek at the same Timex watch mentioned above, as well as new GPS devices from Lowrance and a roadside assistance service from SPOT that will be launched in the spring.

Finally, check out the Outside San Diego Blog for some more thoughts and insights into gear and the show itself. There are daily summary reports from three days on the show floor, as well as a wrap up of the overall event, and trends that we can expect in the months ahead. Good stuff!

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