Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thanks Nile Guide!

Just wanted to send a quick thanks out to the fine folks over at In a recent blog post they named The Adventure Blog as one of the Top 5 Outdoor Adventure Blogs. And who do I share that distinction with? None other than the Outside Blog (from Outside Magazine), the National Geographic Adventure Blog, SummitPost, and Weekend Sherpa. Pretty heady company. I'm happy to mentioned in the same breath with those guys!

Nile Guide is an excellent website with a really unique way of planning for a trip. You start by selecting a destination from a list of popular places from around the globe, with more being added all the time. From there you are presented with a number of great suggestions on what to do when visiting that location, and you are able to add the ones that appeal to you to a dynamic itinerary generator that includes a map showing the locations of items you've added to that itinerary. You can also make your own notes and plot out your schedule, and even add your own photos, before printing your very own custom made travel guide for your upcoming trip.

Personally, I think this is an excellent alternative to traditional travel guides, allowing you to focus in on exactly what you want to do, and cutting out all the extraneous stuff you won't have time for. The end results are very nice, and professionally done, with just enough information to help you out, but not so much as to overwhelm you or spoil the fun of exploring on your own. Definitely check out the site if you're planning a trip, as it may well be exactly what you need.

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