Friday, January 2, 2009

Himalaya and Karakorum Winter Update: C2 On Broad Peak!

ExWeb passes along another update from the Himalaya and Karakorum today with news from the major winter climbs that are ongoing.

The boys on Broad Peak, Don Bowie, Robert Szymczak, and Artur Hajzer spent a cold New Year's eve in Camp 2, where the temperatures dropped to -35ยบ C (-31 F). C2 is now established at 6300m, and the team is back in BC where they are resting up before they shuttle supplies back up the mountain to begin establishing Camp 3. So far, things are going well.

Meanwhile, Simone Moro and Denis Urubko met with Miss Hawley yesterday in Kathmandu before heading out today for Lukla, where the guys will spend two weeks trekking in the Khumbu Valley as part of their acclimatization process. When that's done, they'll head to Makalu to begin the actual attempt on the mountain, which remains the only 8000m Himalayan peak unclimbed in winter.

Finally, there are still no updates to the website of the Czech Team on Manaslu. The last update was on the 19th of December, when they reported that they were working the route from Camp 1 to Camp 2. Presumably they are still in touch with their friends and family back home, and that the website updates have fallen by the way side, most likely due to technical issues. Hopefully we'll get word soon, as it seemed like they were struggling with the climb from their early reports.

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