Wednesday, January 28, 2009

NG's Adventure Blog Interviews James Hooper

The National Geographic Adventure Blog has posted an interview with James Hooper, who along with partner Rob Gauntlett, was named Adventurers of the Year by National Geographic Adventure Magazine after the pair made an epic journey from the North to the South Pole last year on foot, bike, and sailing ship. Unfortunately, Gauntlett recently died in a tragic climbing accident in the Alps. He was only 21 years old.

In the interview, Hooper talks about dealing with the loss of his friend, and how it has caused him to reassess their ideas for future adventures. He says that he is more determined now, then ever, to move forward with their plans to do a book and possibly a film on their journey. He sees those as an opportunity to continue Rob's legacy.

The brief interview shows a young man who is focused and determined to move forward, but is also obviously still dealing with the tragedy of losing his best friend. James says that he would like to set up a trust in Rob's name in order to allow others to pursue their own adventurous goals, and I can't think of a more fitting memorial to his friend.

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