Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Three First Ascents in the Antarctic

RockandIce.com is reporting that the Huber brothers, Alexander and Thomas, along with climbing partner Stephen Siegrist, have put up three first ascents in Antarctica. The climbs were on impressive big walls under grueling circumstances.

According to the story, the climbers set out late last year for Queen Maud Land, a remote region known for it's stunning rock formations that jut out of the ice, offering unique and challenging climbing opportunities. The three men took on Ulvetanna, a 2931m mountain considered amongst the most challenging in the world, and the West Face of Holtanna, a 2650m peak with a very challenging 750m wall to over come.

The men endured incredibly challenging weather conditions on their climbs, braving high winds and -50ยบ C temperatures to claim their new routes. The expedition lasted six weeks, and yet they were able to claim two new routes on Holtanna, Eiszeit (meaning Ice Age) is rated a 5.10+, and Skywalk, rated a 7. On Ulvetanna the team put up a 5.11 route, named Sound of Silence, along the mountain's Northwest Buttress.

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