Monday, October 29, 2007

Bolivia By Mountain Bike

Earlier today I posted a very cool video of several people mountain biking down the highway known as the "Death Road" in Bolivia. In the comments section, reader Lorena posted that an adventure racing friend of hers is also in Bolivia, touring the country by mountain bike. She was also kind enough to pass along his persona blog, as he writes about his travels. You can find his blog here.

The blog is written by Neal Radford, a native of New Zealand, who set off on October 15th on a solo bike tour of the country. He flew into La Paz, and set out from there towards Lake Titicaca. Before his journey ends, in mid-November, he'll make his way to the Antiplano region before crossing the Andes to Santa Cruz. Of course, you can follow all his adventures by reading his blog, which he intends to update throughout the trip.

Thanks for sharing this with us Lorena. Tell him to stay off the "Death Road"!

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