Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Blogs To Keep An Eye On...

I came across a couple of new blogs that you might be interested in as I've been wandering around the Interwebs today. First up, we have The Outsider over at Broadbandsports.com. The Outsider is written by "T-Fly" and has been up and running since August, with a variety of posts on outdoor activities and all the fun stuff that we find amusing, like cycling, mountain biking, kayaking, and more. There are plenty of videos and crazy stories to go around, like this one about a "sword wielding hiker". Damn! And I thought my trekking poles were dangerous enough.

The other blog of note is the Words and Light blog written by a young man named Patrick is his planning to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail. Right now his plans are to hike it in 2008, but he's already begun preparation for his adventure. Of course, once he hits the trail, he intends to blog the entire trip as well, which should make for interesting reading. Good luck Patrick. I can't wait to read your thoughts on the trail.

Anyone have any more interesting and fun "adventure blogs" out there that I should know about? Send 'em my way. I'm happy to give you a nod.

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