Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Solo Summit on Annapurna!

MountEverest.net has word this morning that Tomaz Humar hascompleted a solo summit of Annapurna. The Slovenian mountaineer, who was climbing with Asian Trekking went up the South Face, and topped out two days ago on October 28th.

Annapurna is the tenth highest mountain in the World at 8091m (26,545 feet). It is a massive mountain in the Himalaya, found in Central Nepal, and has five peaks, of which Annapurna I and II are the tallest. Tomaz topped out on Annapurna I, and doing so in solo fashion makes the climb even more impressive. The mountain is considered to be one of the toughest in the World to climb and is legendary for it's large avalanches.

For Tomaz, this is a bit of vindication. Back in 2005, while climbing on Nanga Parbat, he found himself climbing solo while attempting a new route on the Rupal Face. When the weather turned bad, he found himself lost amongst large seracs and stuck in an area of highly unstable snow. He huddled in a snow hole for six days until rescuers were able to come to his aid. Following that experience, he was sharply criticized for being unprepared and putting the lives of the rescue team in jeopardy. If today's report is verified, he'll have once again demonstrated that he is amongst the best climbers in the World.

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