Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Himalayan Marathon Begins Friday

The Himalayan 100 Mile Marathon is set to begin next week. The stage race will consist of five stages, which will be 24, 20, 26, 13, and 17 miles in length. Competitors will depart on Friday from the Darjeeling area of Northern India.

The race has been called "the most beautiful marathon in the World" by Runner's World U.K., and reading the description it's no wonder why. During the five stages, Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Kanchenjunga are all visible at various times on the course, along with any number of other, lesser Himalayan peaks. The course will also wander through local villages and national parks, allowing runners and trekkers the opportunity to completely take in the culture and natural beauty of the area.

If running or hiking isn't your think, perhaps you would prefer to ride your mountain bike instead. The Mt Everest Bike Rally runs at the same time, and cyclists and runners will share their nightly accommodations. Mountain biking in the shadow of the tallest mountains on the planet certainly sounds like a unique and interesting experience.

More information about both events can be found at the official website, including itineraries for the events, registration info and more.

While running a marathon or mountain biking generally requires a certain level of fitness, I would imagine that this would be an entirely different level of challenge, thanks to the altitude and remote locations. Hopefully we can dig up some decent coverage on the race when it gets underway next week.

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