Thursday, October 25, 2007

Expedition Amazonas Update has posted an update on the Expedition Amazonas team. You may recall that they're the five person crew that set out a month or so back to paddle the entire length of the Amazon River.

When they first started by climbing Mt. Mismi, in Peru, the fabled source of the might Amazon. At first they had to portage their kayaks and gear, as the river was quite small at that point. Merely a stream. But once they found a place to properly put in, they were faced with Class IV and V rapids that they describe as the best rapids of their lives.

However, the trip has not been without it's hazards. The incredible rapids caught one of their rafts at one point, ripping holes in it's floor and causing them to lose thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Beaten and battered, but not defeated, the stopped in a small village known as Nahua where they rested a few days before going to Cusco to resupply and make repairs.

Now, they've returned to Nahua to resume their journey, restocked and refreshed, and ready to face more of those crazy rapids. They still have a long way to go on their journey, which was originally expected to take about seven months. When they're all done, they'll have paddled some 4350 miles from the source, to the mouth of the Amazon. An amazing trip indeed.

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