Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Rescue On Cho Oyu! has posted the details on a dramatic rescue on Cho Oyu conducted by the 7 Summits Club Team who had just finished an acclimatization climb up to C2. After spending the night, the team began it's descent back to ABC when they caught sight of a man falling down the side of the mountain and coming to rest along a ridge.

When Alex Abramov and his team reached the man, he appeared that he broke his leg and would need to be assisted down the next steep section. Alex and several Sherpas helped guide the man, who is a leader on the Taiwanese team, down to Camp 1, where they were met by a Spanish doctor who helped to treat his injuries. From there, Tibetan porters ushered him the rest of the way off the mountain and to Advanced Base Camp.

It appears that the Taiwanese climber suffered what is known as a "boot line fracture". The injury occurs as a result of fatigued climber catching his cramponed boots in the hard snow and causing a hairline fracture just above the hard plastic boots that are worn on these cold, Himalayan peaks. The injury, while not serious in the long term, can be quite painful and could be potentially dangerous depending on where it occurs on the mountain.

In other new, Alex reports that his team is no acclimatized and that their summit push will begin in the next 3-4 days, as long as the weather continues to cooperate. Meanwhile, the Summit Club managed to put 6 members of the team on top yesterday, while 72 year-old Boris Korshunov topped out on his on yesterday as well. Apparently Boris was suppose to go up to C3 and rest before making his climb to the summit, but upon reaching Camp 3, his tent was no where in site, so he decided to just keep going, reaching the top around 4 PM yesterday afternoon. He's already safely back at ABC today, and making all of us youngsters look like lazy punks. Congrats Boris. Well done!

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