Monday, October 15, 2007

Images Of Shisha and Beyond!

Alan Arnette has returned from his latest adventure, climbing on Shisha Pangma. if you've been following his dispatches, you already know that the team made it high on the mountain, and were in good spirits and health to make a run at the summit. However, Mother Nature had other plans for them, as she did for most of the Himalaya this Fall. Copious amounts of snow prevented summits on Shisha, and for the most part, every other mountain in the area.

Most climbers will tell you that the summit isn't everything however, and that it's the journey along the way that makes it all worthwhile. Alan was kind enough to share that journey with us in the form of several photo galleries that he's posted to his website. They're broken down as follows:

Climbing Shisha Pangm: For all of you who just want to get to the mountain!
Faces of Tibet: Filled with amazing shots of the amazing people of Tibet.
Scenes of Tibet: Excellent shots of the country itself. I really need to go here!
Lhasa: More amazing photos in and around Lhasa.
My Teammates and I: Photos of Alan and the whole crew.

Excellent photos as always Alan. Thank you for sharing them with us and welcome home!

Remember, Alan was climbing Shisha Pangma as part of his Road Back To Everest. He is climbing for a cause, and is asking for your support by donating to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund. A great cause if I've ever seen one.

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