Monday, October 8, 2007

New Speed Climbing Record On Cho Oyu?

Remember Christian Stangl? He's the Austrian climber who knocked off Everest in 16 hours, 42 minutes last year, ABC to summit, without oxygen no less. Then he later went on to top out on 3 6000m peaks in 16 hours and 16 minutes while in the Andes. Well, it seems he may be up to his old tricks, this time on Cho Oyu.

According to this article over at, Christian has climbed Cho Oyu in 15 hours, 6 minutes, basecamp to summit. Apparently he completed this speed climb on Oct 1st, climbing throughout the night under near perfect conditions.

As of now, we don't have any independent verification of the speed climb, or if it's a new record for sure, but considering the guys credentials, I'd guess it's petty legitimate. I'm sure we'll hear more about this in the days ahead, with more information coming out. Pretty amazing feat to say the least.

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