Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Adventure Blog Turns One!

One year ago today (well, yesterday actually) I began writing this blog. When I started, it was mainly for me to post things that I had an interest in. Things that sparked my curiosity, got my imagination going, and inspired my own sense of adventure. At the time, I didn't think anyone would really care what I had to say on these topics, or find the same things interesting that I did, but it was a project that I wanted to do none the less.

As the year passed, it began to dawn on me that other people were starting to take notice of my little blog, and that people were actually reading it! I was surprised and delighted when I began to get comments on posts and e-mails of encouragement and support. It seemed I was indeed finding people that shared the same interests and wanted to read about the things I posted on. Heck! Some even cared about my opinion on a topic. I've even managed to make some friends via e-mail, whose kind words have continued to be a source of encouragement for me.

So, to everyone who reads the blog, makes comments, and takes the time to e-mail, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate each and everyone of you, and hope to continue to provide interesting and exciting news and information to spark your sense of adventure. I'm just getting started here, and I've got some ideas and plans for Year Two as well!

Edit: It's fitting that this is actually the 750th post of the blog as well. Not bad for the first year! :)

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