Thursday, January 18, 2007

Polar Update: Days Numbered!

The weather window may have closed on Nanga Parbat, but it's also rapidly coming to a close at the South Pole as well. The Antarctic winter will take a turn for the worse in another week or so, essentially closing off the exploration season there. brings us another update from the ice today, with news on the few teams still out there.

John Wilton-Davies continues to work his way South, but he is finding it harder and harder to continue. He reports that his energy levels are down, and he's feeling ill for the first time on the expedition. But he isn't giving up, and continues to make slow progress toward the Pole. Meanwhile, Beth, Denise, and Correne have reached the South Pole, where they were warmly welcomed to the base with a fresh batch of cookies. You can read more about their expedition at Correne's personal website.

And lest we forget, the Pole of Inaccessibliity team, n2i are forging ahead with their quest, as long as the wind is willing to help, which as of late it hasn't. The boys still have some distance to go to reach the coldest, most remote place on the Planet. Some reward for all those weeks out on the ice huh?

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