Monday, January 29, 2007

Nives Meroi Heading To Everest!

Nives Meroi has told that she is on for Everest this Spring. Nives is one of the best female climbers in the World, and has been gunning for the 8000m peaks, crossing Dhaulagiri and K2 off her list last year. She now has 8 of the 8000'ers down.

The last time I mentioned Nives I remarked how surprised I was that she didn't have any sponsors. There aren't that many women in climbing in general, and fewer still who are knocking off 8000m peaks. You would think that someone would throw this woman some cash. Well things haven't improved too much since then, although she has picked up Parmigiano Reggiano, a type of Parmigian cheese, as a sponsor. I guess we know what she'll be eating a lot of while on the mountain.

Good luck on Everest Nives. We'll be following you in the Spring, and as you go for the rest of the 8000m peaks.

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