Friday, January 5, 2007

Richard Ussher Leaves Team Nike-Powerblast, which won't let me link directly to the article, is reporting that Richard Ussher has left Team Nike-Powerblast to form his own new adventure racing team. Ussher says he has always wanted to form his own team, and was looking forward to creating a competitive unit. He also said that Nike was such a strong group, that they were generally expected to win every race, and felt that their was little competition. Yeah Richard, I know. It sucks winning all the time huh? ;)

It's the second blow to the Nike roster in the past few weeks, with AR legend Ian Adamson announcing his retirement and now Ussher leaving to form his own team. Ussher is considered by many to be amongst the best young racers in the World, and would have proven to be a great substitute for Adamson. It'll be intersting to see how Nike competes this year losing two strong team members. However, Mike Kloser and Michael Tobin are still a great nucleus to build around. I suspect they'll still remain very competitive, but it'll be tough to be as dominant as they have been over the past few years.

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