Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year's Resolutions from Outside!

It's that time of year again. You know, when we make those New Year's Resolutions, than promptly dumb them before the month of January is out. Well, Outside Online is here to help us set some resolutions and then keep them for the entire year and beyond.

They have all kinds of categories, such as "Get Fit, Eat Right", with in which they use Dean Karnazes as inspiration. Ugh. As if that guy hasn't already made us all feel like couch potatoes, both in his running and self promotion. In the "Go Already" category they encourage us to take more time for ourselves and while giving back, and the "Just Chill" category is fairly self explanatory.

Give it a read. Perhaps you'll find a new resolution you'll want to take on as well.

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