Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Vanishing Natural Wonders

The Travel section of the The Guardian posted a rather disturbing article entitled 10 wonders of the vanishing world. It's a list of ten natural wonders that are disappearing thanks to global warming. Some of the items on the list may surprise you.

For example, The Snows of Kilimanjaro are on the list, and it's been fairly highly publicized that the glacier on top of Africa's highest mountain is receding rapidly. Some estimates I've seen say it'll be gone by 2015. But other natural wonders that are in danger that I wasn't aware of include The Caribbean coral reef, Glacier National Park, United States, and even the Monarch butterflies that flock to Mexico for the winter, as their habitat has been ravaged by storms and is being killed off by the warmer temperatures.

This is a sobering article to read. I'm not sure that there is anything we can do to prevent these things from happening, but if you care about some of these natural wonders, you may want to go see them while they are still there.

Thanks Gadling.

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