Monday, January 8, 2007

Polar Update: Ilyushin fixed! is reporting that ALE's Ilyushin jet is up and running again, after sustaining damage in high winds last week. The plane is used to ferry explorers and climbers to and from Patriot Hills in Antarctica. While it was down last week, a number of skiiers and climbers were left stranded, waiting for their pick-up. The bird was fixed on Saturday and landed at Patriot Hills. It's return flight was scheduled for today.

In other news, Hannah McKeand was amongst the skiiers left stranded on the ice, but it gave her an opportunity to learn more about "kiting". Hannah says she "can feel the next adventure plan brewing!". Awesome news Hannah. We'll be there to follow you once again!. Meanwhile, Ray and Jenny should reach the Pole sometime today, probably by the time you read this. Their latest dispatch put them on ly 5.5 files from their destination. Congrats to both of you on a job well done. John Wilton-Davies has crossed the 86 1/2 parallel, and is making steady progress in his journey as well.

Over on Vinson, things aren't slowing down either. As some teams complete their summit and return to Patriot Hills, a team of 84 Russians are expected on the Mountain soon, making their own summit bids. Sounds rather crowded to me!

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