Sunday, October 8, 2006

Bagelworks Wins AdventureXstream!

The AdventureXstream Expedition Race is over, and Team Bagelworks has taken first place. Dream/Sageant and ARFE-Smartwool took second and third respectively. You can find out more, including where all the teams finished here. It seems the elements really played a part in this race, with a massive storm disrupting communications on the course, and having an effect on the racers as well. Hopefully we'll get more detailed information on the race itself over the next few days. Congrats to Bagelworks on the win! The team has had a good year in the sport, and are proving they are team to contend with in any race.

Update: Team Checkpoint Zero has updated their blog with information regarding the AdventureXstream Race. It seems the "Storm of the Century" hit Moab this weekend, making racing dangerous and next to impossible, which is why the race was actually called on Saturday. It sounds like it was very wet, cold and windy out there, and this blog entry gives you an idea of what happened. The race directors then had the task of putting together a list of rankings based on where teams were on the course when the race was called.

I missed the news on the race being called yesterday as I was out of town all day at the Texas-Oklahoma game, and by the time I got home last night, I was mostly ready for bed rather than checking my blog. I'll post more news on this race, and the developments surrounding it, as they become known over the next few days.

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