Friday, October 27, 2006

Weekly Podcast Updates

My favorite podcasts have updated again this week with some great stuff. First off, Endurance Planet has posted a special episode with Peter Reid, a three time champion of the Ironman Triathlon, who discusses all kinds of topics including training, returning to Kona as a volunteer, and his role in the movie What It Takes, which is a documentary following four athletes as the prepare for the Ironman. After listening to this podcast, I have to see this movie.

Also, The Rest of Everest has released Episode 24 entitled 7900 meters. This awesome video podcast, which promises to deliver "An Almost Unabridged Expedition Experience" is moving right along, and getting into the meat of the climb. Great stuff, and something you shouldn't miss.

As always, both are available for download from their respective websites, or automatically through an iTunes subscription.

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