Thursday, October 12, 2006

Nangpa La Story Begins To Get More Notice

The International Campaign for Tibet has picked up the story of the shootings on Nangpa La, and have published a couple of stories on the subject on their website. First is this article which details the young nun who was shot, and outlines the story that we've come to know so far, with some new details to the story. That story was posted on Oct. 5th, so I'm a little late in finding it, while this one was posted on Oct. 9th and discusses the story we've heard about ten children who were taken into custody by the Chinese following the incident. Both of the articles have more information that we previously had heard, mostly in background and conext. It's good to see this story is getting picked up by a few other sources. Hopefully the word on this will get out to the International Community, although with all the other things going on (War in Iraq, Nuclear issues with Iran and North Korea) this will probably get buried.

Thanks to Get Outdoors for bringing these other articles to my attention.

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