Tuesday, October 3, 2006

A Pair From Adventure Journey

I've made mention of Adventure Journey more than once in my blog. It's a slick, online magazine that focuses on adventure travel. Usually I post their latest Top 7 list, which I always enjoy, but I've also found a couple of other excellent articles. The first is about attending rock climbing school at Mt. Washington in New Hampsire. It's a great little guide on what to expect when you go to a climbing school in general, with some nice particular for this one specifically. The second story is about adventure travel in Puerto Rico. Yep, you read that right. Puerto Rico. It's about going "beyond the beach" and doing the kind of things we all enjoy so much. Namely hiking, kayaking, and other outdoor activities. I'm not much of a beach person, but this story opened up my eyes to the possibility of visiting a place like Puerto Rico.

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