Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Weekly Podcast Round-Up

It's a new week, and a new set of podcasts have been released for our listening pleasure. First we have the latest from Endurance Planet who spend some time chatting with Eddie O'Dea this week. Eddie is a mountain biker who offers thoughts on training for events, nutrition leading up to a race, and more. If you're into competitive mountain biking, it's a very good episode to listen to.

Meanwhile, the good folks over at The Wildebeat have released a new podcast entitled The Poop on Mount Whitney (part 1). This episode takes a look at the environmental impact of having 20,000+ hikers on Mount Whitney every year, and how the "Leave No Trace" program just wasn't enough to keep the area clean, and healthy. This is an important issue that all of us who are outdoor enthusiasts need to concern ourselves with, ad I've run similar posts about efforts on Mount Blanc and Mount Everest itself.

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