Friday, October 27, 2006

Sahara Race Begins Sunday

It's time for another one of those epic, and gruelling, stage race ultramarathons through some of the harshest conditions on the planet. Once again, is sponsoring this event as part of their Four Deserts Ultramarathon series, with the Sahara Desert taking over hosting duties this time out. The Sahara is the largest non-polar desert in the world, and the competitors, who hale from more than 17 countries, will have to endure hot and dry conditions. The event will take place over six days and various distance. The longest day will be more than 77km in length (48 miles), and the shortest, is the final day, which is only 10km in length, but competitors will cross the finish line in the shadow of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx itself. I can't think of a better way to finish up a race like this one. Just be sure to stop into the Kentucky Fried Chicken that is no more than a stones throw away from the Sphinx. Oh, and mind the heat. One of the days that I was in the Sahara was over 135 degrees F.

Edit: Hey! This is my 500th Post! I didn't know if I'd ever get to that milestone. Thanks to everyone who reads my blog, and sends along helpful comments. It is greatly appreciated.

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