Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Fowler/Boskoff Update: Avalanche Suspected

MountEverest.net has posted an update on the Fowler-Boskoff story that loomed over the mountaineering community throughout the month of December. You'll recall that Charlie Fowler's body was found on a remote mountain in Southwest China at around 17,300 feet. At this time, Christine Boskoff's body has not been found. The search has now been suspended until Spring in a hopes that the receeding snow will reveal her location. It is not believed that an avalanche swept the two experienced climbers from the mountain, sending them to their death.

Fund raising efforts are still underway to continue the search in China. The Fowler-Boskoff Search Committe is holding a fund raiser event in Durango, Colorado for tomorrow night (Jan. 3) at the Abbey Theater. Meanwhile, Christine's company Mountain Madness is holding an event of their own at the Flaship REI store in Seattle, Washington. The event will not only raise funds, but also be a celebration of the lives of Charlie and Christine. More details can be found here.

If you're in the area for either of these events, make an effort to stop by.

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