Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Polar Update: Kiwis Closing In!

ThePoles.com has another polar update today with news that The Kiwis are expected to arrive at the Pole sometime today, making them the second team to make a complete trip to the Pole this season behind only Hannah, who skied in last week in record time.

Meanwhile, Team Polar Quest is on the return trip, after achieving the Pole last week as well. Team n2i is still kiting towards the Pole of Inaccessibility, despite being a bit hungover from their New Year celebration. Judging from the map on their website, I'd say they still have a long journey ahead of them. Ray and Jenny continue making progress toward the Pole aswell, reporting great conditions on the ice the yesterday. Ray announced that once they reach the Pole, Jenny will return home, but he will continue on for a crack at Vinson.

Speaking of Vinson, the Centacare Team accomplished another first by first skiing to Vinson Base Camp before summitting the mountain yesterday. All four team members completed the trek to BC, then climbed to the summit. They are expected back in BC today.

Update: There's a great article about the Vinson skiiers at TheAge.com. The four are Australian, and this Aussie news paper does a fine job covering their trek.

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