Monday, September 15, 2008

Antarctica 2008 Expedition List!

Last week ExWeb posted their Fall 2008 Himalaya Expedition List, and now they've put up their 2008 Antarctic Expedition List as well.

2008 looks to be another busy year at the bottom of the world, with plenty of expeditions already announced. Amongst those of interest are John Wilton Davies' return to the Antarctic where he'll attempt a solo, round trip, journey from Hercules Inlet to the South Pole and back in just 77 days. Some of you may recall that John made a run at the Pole back in 2007, and came up just a degree and a half short of his goal. He was the last explorer out on the ice, and it looks like he still has some unfinished business down south.

American Todd Carmichael who I reported on some time back, will be setting out on a speed attempt of his own. Carmichael plans to reach the South Pole in just 38 days, going solo and unsupported the entire way. If successful, he'll be the first American to do so.

Meanwhile, two British doctors, Rob Conway and Toby Williams will finally get their Antarctic adventure underway. The two had planned to go back in 2006, but had some logistical issues to work out. Rob is a diabetic, dependent on his insulin, which will add complications to the unsupported expedition to the South Pole and beyond.

This is just a sampling of what we can expect come November. I'm sure this list will expand greatly over the next few weeks, with more expeditions being added, including some attempts on Mt. Vinson as well. It'll certainly be another exciting season at the South Pole. Good luck everyone!

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