Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bike Mag Want's Your Best Trails!

Bike magazine is asking readers to nominate their favorite trails as part of their Best Trails 2009 which will be published in their annual trail guide issue scheduled to hit newsstands next March.

Readers and riders will get to vote on their favorite rides in the following 15 categories: Best Epic , Best Singletrack, Best Lift-Accessed Trail, Best Descent, Hardest Technical Trail (XC), Hardest Technical Trail (DH), Best Tight and Twisty trail, Best Flow, Best Climb, Best Dirt Jumps, Best Hometown Trail System, Best Fully Committed/No Turning Back Trail, Best Shuttle Service, Favorite. Mountain Bike Destination, Trail you've never ridden that you'd most like to, Best All-Day-Suffer-Fest Trail, and Trail of the Year.

The official rules from the Bike mag website say this:

Readers can nominate as many trails as they like, in as many categories as they want. Trails can also be nominated in different categories, if applicable. Nominations should include a brief 200- to 300-word description of the trail and why it deserves recognition. We also encourage nominations to include photos, videos, GPS data and anything else that shows why that particular trail rocks. Hell, draw on a napkin if you have to. The more creative, informative and fitting the nomination is, the better chance it has of winning.

So, if you have a great trail you want to nominate for one (or all!) of the above categories, e-mail it to: btrails@bikemag.com before October 7th to have it eligible to win.

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