Friday, September 5, 2008

Karakorum and Himalaya Update: Karakorum Not Done Yet!

A few days back I reported that the Karakorum season was grinding to a halt, following the last teams leaving K2 and weather putting a halt to any assaults on Nanga Parbet. But as famed college football announcer Lee Corso would say, "not so fast my friend!"

According to today's update from ExWeb, a team of climbers, dubbed The Free Team International, hailing from the U.K., France, Romania, and Poland, have all journeyed to Pakistan and will soon begin several free climbs on the Trango Towers. Amongst the routes that they'll attempt will be Eternal Flame, and 800 meter wall with 35 pitches and a 7c+/A0 rating, on Nameless Tower. They'll also attempt a new route on 5,850 meter Trango Monk as well.

As predicted, things are starting to heat up in the Himalaya as well, with the American Dare To Dream Team heading to Annapurna. According to their website, the team is en route to Nepal now, and should arrive there over the weekend, where they'll soon begin a climb on the French Route on the north side of the mountain.

Finally, ExWeb has news that Denis Urubko, Boris Dedeshko and Gennady Durov have put up a new route on a 6110 meter peak known as Eight Women-climbers’ Peak in the Tien Shan mountain range of China. The trio went up the mountain in alpine style, as is their general modus operandi. These guys never cease to amaze, and they always seem like they're off on some adventure somewhere. Congrats guys!

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