Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Short List Announced For Shackleton Centenary Expedition

A month back I posted about the Shackleton Centenary Expedition, the team headed to the South Pole to follow in the footsteps of legendary arctic explorer Ernest Shackleton, 100 years after his famed Nimrod expedition. Shackleton's great grandson, Patrick Bergel, is part of the team, that also currently includes four others.

At the time that I posted, the team was in search of a sixth member, and went to the Internet to find that person. They were looking for someone with an adventurous spirit who could work within the confines of a team, carry their own load, and withstand the rigors of life in the Antarctic for weeks. According to their website, the team had nearly 3000 applicants (including yours truly), which they have now narrowed down to 20 finalist. (yours truly not included!)

The list has now been released for everyone to read, and these candidates will now take part in a round of physicals and interviews, from which the field will be further cut down to just five or six more that will be put through a battery of test designed to test their stamina and will power. Eventually we'll have a winner, who will get to accompany the team in October as they head South.

I have to say, I'm a bit jealous. I'd have loved to have been a part of this expedition. It's going to be great fun following it from a far of course, but nothing like actually being there. They didn't give me a reason for rejecting my application, but I suspect it was due to the fact that I sent the application reviewers my underwear. That didn't go over so well. ;)

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