Monday, September 22, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 93

Over the weekend, the latest episode of The Rest of Everest slipped out, and while I had the chance to watch this super-sized show, I didn't get a chance to post about it.

This is the final episode of Jon and Scott's 2007 Tibetan Trek, and they end it in grand style. This show is 40+ minutes in length, roughly twice the length of a typical episode. Jon notes at the beginning that he has gotten 10 1/2 months of shows from their 17 day journey, giving us a complete picture of what it's like to travel in the region.

Episode 93: The End Of The Tibet 2007 Trek continues the tradition of past episodes that we've come to expect in showing us aspects of Buddhist culture. Early scenes give us a peek at monks during their prayer sessions, as they chanted and played instruments. The amazing scene is like nothing we've seen so far on the trip, and indicates that there is still so much to learn about the region.

Next we're treated to some scenes of the fabled Tibetan Tonka paintings. We see a number of apprentice artists working at their craft as they put together these beautiful works of art, as Jon and Scott explain the process. It's amazing to see the detail that is woven into these works, with vibrant colors and super intricate patterns, and while we get a good look at the paintings, I'm sure the video doesn't do them complete justice.

Before long, we're back at the hotel, and the guys are packing up to head home. As they are doing so, Scott shares with us all of the treasures he has purchased along the way as gifts for friends and family and remembrances for himself. Part of the fun of travel is collecting new and unique things from the places you visit, and judging from this footage, it seems that they were successful in this regard, right down to the inexpensive North Face knockoff.

The last few scenes of the episode are wrapping up and finishing off the trip before the guys head home. As a big fan of the show, it's been a privilege to follow along with Jon and Scott on their adventures and to get such a detailed, inside look at life in Nepal and Tibet. It has been an amazing experience.

However, it's not over yet!! The Rest of Everest is going to take a little break, and then return with new episodes and getting back to it's roots with mountaineering. Big things are in the works, so stay tuned. There will be more soon.

Thanks Jon and Scott!

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