Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Roz Savage Update: Roz Says 'Aloha' to Hawaii!

Last week I noted that Roz Savage was closing in on Hawaii and the completion of the first stage of her solo row across the Pacific. Today's entry into her blog , aptly titled "Aloha", lets us all know that she is now safely into Hawaii and getting her land legs back.

According to the post, Roz arrived in Hawaii and 5:55 AM local time on the 1st of September. The first stage of her journey took 99 days, 8 hours, and 55 minutes, and the last few hours were marked by a very rapid row into shore. In fact, it was so rapid that Roz beat her estimates and arrived in the wee hours of the morning, before any of the press were there to welcome her. She says that she arrived in Hawaii in much the same fashion as she had spent her time at sea, namely, all alone.

With this stage behind her, Roz will now return home, rest, and recuperate, before beginning the second stage of her journey, sometime next year, when she'll set out from Hawaii and make way for Tuvalu Island, a distance of some 2,620 miles. Then, in 2010, she'll complete the Pacific crossing by rowing from Tuvalu to Australia, an additional 2,324 miles.

Roz is now the first woman to row solo from California to Hawaii, and for that she should be incredibly proud. But I also know that this is only step one towards her goal, and it won't be long until she'll be looking ahead to her next stage. Congrats Roz! Job well done!

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