Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's Official: Lance is Back!!

I know it's been all Lance Armstrong, all the time around here the past few days but it's now official. Lance Armstrong is returning to cycling, with the intention of competing at the 2009 Tour de France.

The New York Times reported that Lance issued an e-mail statement today confirming his intentions to return to competitive cycling after three years away. Lance did not elaborate on his specific plans, but says that all will be made known at the Clinton Global Initiative, scheduled for Sept. 24 in New York City.

Meanwhile, Vanity Fair has published an interview with Lance in which he says covers a huge amount of territory, including a possible run for office in Texas, the implications of doping on his favorite sport, and his return to racing.

At this point, Lance says he's not associated with any professional team just yet, and he's planning on riding to raise awareness for cancer, as if he can do more for that cause. He also says that he decided to start competing again after competing at Leadville last month.

So there you have it folks. Lance is back. Obviously we can expect to hear a lot more about this in the very near future, and of course the media frenzy leading up to next year's Tour is going to be insane. I promise to shut up about it for a little while now though. :)

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