Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ueli and Simon Nominated For Prix Courage Award

Jo Adams sent me a link to her latest article over at Racing and Sports with the news that Ueli Steck and Simon Anthamatten have been nominated for the Prix Courage Awards for their part in the rescue attempt of Iñaki Ochoa on Annapurna last May.

Regular readers will remember the story I'm sure. Iñaki took ill on the upper portions of Annapurna after turning back just 100 meters fro the summit. Upon reaching Camp 4, he collapsed and was stranded in a tent at altitude. At the time, Simon and Ueli were in BC, waiting for a weather window to make their own bid at the summit, and upon hearing of Iñaki's condition, they immediately set out to rescue him, arriving in time to offer him comfort, but the Spanish climber later succumbed to his illness and passed away on the mountain.

The Prix Courage Award is given to those who have shown outstanding courage and is awarded yearly, along with a CH25,000 monetary prize. Other nominees, according to the article, include Christian Lüthi, Sabinne Langhart, Monika Schmid, Urs Schmidlin and Magdalena Seifert. The winner will be announced on the 26th in Zurich.

Good luck Simon and Ueli. This recognition is well deserved. And thanks for sharing this Jo.

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