Thursday, September 11, 2008

Karakorum and Himalaya Update: Teams On Manaslu and Cho Oyu

The Fall season is gearing up nicely, with climbers returning to the Himalaya and already making their way to their peak of choice.

ExWeb has some good information on the emerging Fall Season, with the news that the Chinese have begun issuing a very select few climbing permits for Cho Oyu. They describe them as being like the Golden Ticket from Willy Wonka, but a few teams have them in hand are making their way for Tibet even now. The new restrictions require the teams to enter and depart Tibet at the same location, and everyone at the same time, which is not a deal breaker, but does require a little extra planning for the team. According to the latest pots, the Field Touring Alpine Team is en route to the border today.

Speaking of Cho Oyu, Everest News is reporting that the Summit Climb Team reached base camp a few days back and have quickly made themselves at home. Their most recent dispatches say that they are resting, and taking it easy at 16,000 feet, before they go to work establishing their high camps.

On Manaslu, teams have already arrived in BC and begun shuttling supplies up the mountain. According to ExWeb, Camp 1 has already been established and the teams, which include Amical, are making good progress.

Another climb to keep an eye on this Fall will be Fredrik Ericsson's ascent and ski descent of Kangchenjunga. According to his website, Fredrik will climb the Yalung Face and will go for the main summit (Kangchenjunga has five), in alpine style, in a four day push. Once at the top, they'll drop into their skis and attempt the first complete ski descent of the mountain, which is the third highest in the world. Should be a fun expedition to watch.

Finally, back in the Karakorum, where things are all but over, the The Free Dream Team is reportedly making their summit bid on Trango Tower today. They've experienced some rough weather so far, but a window is expected to open through the weekend, and they should be going up as I write this. Good luck team!

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