Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Landis To Return To Cycling Too!!

Just one day after Lance Armstrong confirmed his intention of returning to cycling in 2009 and racing in the Tour de France, ESPN is now reporting that Floyd Landis will also return once his two year suspension has ended next year.

You'll recall that Landis tested positive for high levels of testosterone back in 2006 after he won the Tour de France. Floyd has maintained his innocence the entire time, and challenged the ruling in court, claiming that he was a victim of the doping labs making a mistake. He lost his hearing, and was then ordered to serve the two year suspension that is generally given to those who have failed a test for the first time.

Last year Floyd raced in the Leadville 100, the same mountain biking event that Armstrong raced in this year. Both riders finished in second place, behind six time champ Dave Wiens, but the race showed that they are both still competitive and want to ride.

The early rumors have Floyd riding for Health Net Team next year, although that has yet to be confirmed. Landis has not responded to press inquiries about his comeback, but I'm sure he's overjoyed to have it leak to the press just one day after Lance's statement.

You can read more about the (other) comeback over at Cycling News.

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