Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 92

Fans of the The Rest of Everest have a new episode available today, as Jon and Scott continue their journey through the Himalaya.

At the end of the last episode, the guys crossed over from Tibet and back into Nepal, leaving the mountains behind them at long last. This episode, entitled The Eyes Of Buddha, opens with our intrepid travelers in a hotel, but soon we're off to Boudhanath Stupa, the largest Stupa in Nepal. The images from within are quite stunning with some great shots of a very ornate statue of the Buddha. There are also images of the Dalai Lama in the Stupa, something you wouldn't see in Tibet, for obvious reasons. Most of this episode is an extensive tour of the Stupa, offering up some nice shots of many aspects of the amazing place.

The next episode will be the last of this adventure, which has been the ongoing journey through Nepal and Tibet for Jon and Scott. But rest assured, the podcast will continue with more episodes covering some really great other adventures. We're going to see a return to a focus on mountaineering, with some good guests lined up to continue the show. While I'll be sad to see these travels come to an end, I'm looking forward to what we'll get to see down the line as well.

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