Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everest Trek 2009: Registration Opens Tomorrow!

Way back in April I posted about the Everest Base Camp Trek and Workshop that was being hosted by Jon Miller of The Rest of Everest fame and Chris Marquardt whose Tips From the Top Floor is amongst the best photography podcasts on the Internet. At the time I made that posting, details on the trek were few, but a recent e-mail update to those who registered on the site has revealed the plan.

Those of us interested in going on the trek already knew that this was much more than a simple hike up the Khumbu Valley. Jon is an accomplished videographer and Chris's photography skills are well known as well. The two took their strengths and combined them with the trek to make the whole experience into a workshop for others to improve their video and photography skills, while having an adventure in one of the most exotic locations on Earth.

On May 4th of 2009, ten very lucky people will arrive in Kathmandu, and their journey will begin. Over the course of the next 19 days, they'll have the opportunity to explore Nepal, including Kathmandu and the Khumbu Valley, all the way up to Everest Base Camp as part of this once in a lifetime adventure. The cost for the trip will be $6500 and is all inclusive upon your arrival to Kathmandu. International airfare is not included, but internal flights to Lukla are part of the package. While this is a bit more expensive than a typical trek to Everest BC, keep in mind that you'll have the opportunity to really hone your skills at a photographer and videographer along the way from two guys that really know their stuff. In addition, Jon hasn't been Nepal in the past, and I'm sure he's put together an excellent itinerary and his knowledge of Kathmandu will insure a great experience for the entire group. The trek will be conducted by Mountain Tribes, an excellent and highly reputable guide service. Fans of The Rest of Everest are more than aware of the level of service that they provide.

Registration for the trek opens tomorrow at 9 AM MDT and will be on a first come, first serve basis. Once the top ten slots are filled, the remaining registrants will go on a waiting list, and should those above them not be able to join the trek, they'll move up the list. The registration page can be found here.

So, if you've got the urge to explore Nepal, and see Everest Base Camp, this is your chance to do so, and have an amazing learning experience along the way. This really will be a once in a lifetime experience.

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