Monday, January 14, 2008

2008 Adventure Racing Preview

Adventure racing site has posted a nice 2008 Preview that looks ahead at the top races and what we can expect in the coming year for the sport of adventure racing.

The preview starts off by remarking how last year this time there were a lot of doom and gloom stories about how adventure racing was falling on hard times, and that the sport was running out of big events and momentum. But what a difference a year makes, as we now gear up for the AR World Series, culminating with the AR World Championship in Scotland at the end of May.

New events in 2007 that are hotly anticipated for 2008 include the Saab Salomon Mountain X Race and the Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge, which closed out the year in thrilling and dramatic fashion.

And of course, 2008 sees the return of Primal Quest which promises a new level of challenge and suffering for it's competitors, who will head to Montana to race in Big Sky country. Not to mention those continued rumblings about a PQ spring series that may materialize this year as well.

So, as you can see, adventure racing is not only alive and well, but seemingly thriving. It looks like 2008 will be a very good year for racers and fans alike.

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