Tuesday, January 15, 2008

76 Year Old Sets Sights On Everest!

According to Reuters a 76 year-old Nepali man is looking to climb Everest this Spring. If successful, he'll become the oldest man to reach the summit of the tallest mountain on Earth, surpassing Katsusuke Yanagisawa of Japan, who topped out last year at the age of 71.

Min Bahadur Sherchan says that he would like to climb Everest to encourage more young people to get into mountaineering and climb mountains on their own. When he sets out this Spring, he'll be accompanied by a team of 12 Sherpas, but it's unclear if those will all be for him, or as part of a larger team.

I wish him luck in his climb. At the age of 76 I probably won't want to climb the stairs, let alone a mountain. But if he succeeds, it'll be a pretty amazing feat. Anyone who watched season 2 of Everest: Beyond The Limit can tell you what a drainit was on Yanagisawa to climb the mountain. He was lucky to come back at all.

Thanks to ExWeb for this one.

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