Friday, January 11, 2008

Riding The Spine: Biking The Continental Divide!

Here's are really cool long distance bike trip that sounds like it would be quite the adventure. Three guys, Jacob Thompson, along with his friends Goat and Sean, have embarked on an epic ride along the length of the Continental Divide. Yes, all of it. They call their expedition "Riding The Spine" and it got underway in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and will eventually finish up in Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina. You can see the entire route by clicking here. Currently the guys are heading for Nicaragua according to their website.

There is also a cool interview with Jacob posted at the Intelligent Travel blog which is the official blog of National Geographic Traveler Magazine. In the interview, Jacob discusses their journey, which began back in July of 2006, how he and the other guys met, and some of the hardships they have seen along the way (including getting chased by a wolf near the arctic circle and sharing a campsite with drug smugglers!). He also discusses the great places they've seen and the gear that has proved most essential to them thus far.

You can follow their progress in their blog which includes photos and video. Or check out their photo gallery for some great photos. If you're possibly thinking about a long distance bike ride of your own, then perhaps their gear section might come in handy.

It's amazing to think that these guys have already spent a year and a half on the road, and they still aren't out of North America yet. They still have a whole different continent to cross yet, and it certainly won't be easier to ride down there. What an amazing adventure. I'll bet they have enough stories to fill a dozen books at this point. Still, it would be cool to read about their journey when it's all said and done.

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