Monday, January 14, 2008

8000m Winter Climb Updates has an update for us on the on going climbs in the Himalaya, as teams go for Winter summits amid bitter cold temperatures, gale force winds, and generally the most miserable conditions you can think of.

On Makalu the Kazakh team is reporting 40 below temperatures at 8000m with thick ice on the mountain. But that hasn't stopped the team from continuing their climb. They've gone up as high as 6000m carrying supplies and using the supply run as an acclimatizing exercise. The team, which consists of Denis Urubko, Serguey Samoilov, Eugeny Shutov and Gennady Durov, is sharing the mountain with Nives Meroi, her husband Romano Benet and Luca Vuerich, who are in Hilary BC and reporting nasty conditions as well.

Meanwhile, Simone Moro, Leonhard Werth, Shaheen Baig and Qudrat Al are preparing to climb Broad Peak. They've been acclimatizing and working on a training climb not far from Skardu. Now, back in town, they'll be flown to Broad Peak sometime in the next few days where they'll begin the main event, and the reason they've come to Pakistan in the dead of Winter.

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