Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Rest of Everest: Episode 69

Wednesday means it's time for our weekly escape to the Himalaya in the form of a new episode of The Rest of Everest. If you've been watching the recent episodes, you know that the footage is from ROE Producer Jon Miller and his friend Scott Jacobs', April 2007 trip back to Nepal and Tibet.

Last week the episode ended with our intrepid travelers arriving in Pokhara, the gateway to Annapurna and other big mountains in the area. This week's episode, number 69 in the series has them exploring Pokhara further, including an amazing water fall, and an underground cave system that has to be seen to be believed. The guys meet a young man from the region named Raj, who ends up being an excellent tour guide and gives them the ten cent tour of his home town.

Each new episode of the Rest of Everest is inspiring me to plan my own visit to the region. Jon promises that we'll get to Everest soon enough, but like all great journeys, getting to your destination is half the fun. I'm enjoying this excellent peek into the culture and landscapes of Nepal, and know that the pay off in the end will be well worth the trip.

As always, the latest episode is available for download on the Rest of Everest website or directly through iTunes.

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